NOW Brand Daily Fiber Pills & Fiber Powder Review
Most guys classify their food into three categories: Carbohydrates, protein, and fats. But let’s not eliminate another factor for our health. I’d like to make a splash about an important substance: Dietary fiber. Specifically, NOW Brand Daily Fiber.
Daily fiber intake is what keeps our digestive system moving. And most people don’t get enough fiber. One way to get more fiber in your diet is through the use of daily fiber pills and fiber powders. If you’ve every shopped for Metamucil and similar supplements, you know this stuff is expensive! So a lot of people ask me things like, is Equate daily fiber as good as Metamucil?
NOW Brand Daily Fiber Supplement Powder
One convenient way to get your daily fiber is in powder form. Simply scoop some into a glass of water, stir, and enjoy. Luckily, NOW brand fiber powder doesn’t have any flavoring or sweeteners. I prefer this kind of flavorless fiber and I find a cold glass of fiber-water to be just as refreshing as plain water. Just be sure to drink it immediately, before the psyllium husk starts to thicken and turn into a gel.

There is one known risk to this kind of powder fiber supplement. If the powder is inhaled, or if it isn’t mixed with enough water, it forms a thick gelatinous sludge. For most people this is simply annoying, but for anyone who has difficulty swallowing, this can become life threatening. Please observe the warning on the packaging:

If you have difficulty swallowing or talking, or have ever had a stroke or other medical condition that could affect how your muscles work, please talk to your doctor before starting a powdered fiber supplement. There are many safe alternatives — such as the fiber pills described below! And, always follow the instructions on the package. When the fiber powder is mixed with the right amount of water, it’s not overly thick and difficult to swallow.
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NOW Brand Daily Fiber Supplement Pills
If you don’t want to deal with fiber powder, consider getting your fiber in pill form instead. The NOW brand fiber supplement pills contain psyllium husk — the same stuff that the powder is made out of. However it is contained in a capsule, which is very handy. Fiber pills are great for people who want smaller amounts of fiber throughout the day, and for people who use something like a pill organizer to track their daily meds.

I especially like daily fiber pills for traveling. I do not have enough room in my luggage for an entire container of fiber powder. And it can be challenging to bring smaller baggies of unlabeled powder through security checkpoints. But a few fiber pills in my toiletries bag don’t raise any eyebrows.
When you’re living the (ahem) on-the-go lifestyle, sometimes it’s difficult to prioritize healthy eating. With daily fiber pills you know that you’re getting enough fiber to keep your vacation moving smoothly.
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Look For Sugar Free Daily Fiber Supplements
Some brands of fiber supplements contain sugar. I recommend avoiding these. There is no need for extra flavor for your fiber. Plain fiber tastes like nothing — which is a whole lot better than some of those nasty artificial flavorings. And nobody needs a bunch of extra sugar in their diet for no reason. Fortunately, NOW brand fiber products are all sugar free.

Generic Metamucil: Psyllium Fiber Pills And Powder
Fiber is so important for our health, and the brand-name products are very expensive. It’s worth it to shop for off brand daily fiber. I really like the NOW products, which are normally available on Amazon and other online retailers. I find the quality to be even superior to the name brand products, and they are always priced competitively. Try NOW daily fiber — it really gets you going!
Also see: Equate Daily Fiber From Walmart