Personal Finance

Off Brand Websites For The Budget Shopper

It can be challenging to find good information on off brand products. Off Brand Guy was created to provide quality, reliable, and detailed information on off brand products. According to Forbes, “Walmart and Kroger have each indicated that private brand sales have increased lately as customers reevaluate what they can afford due to stagnant wage growth and high gas, housing and food costs”. But so much of the reviews and content online is all about trying to sell you something. On the other hand, promoting off brand products is not that profitable. That is why we don’t have very much competition. We are the only website strictly dedicated to helping shoppers save money with generic and private label products. In this article we have put together a list of the best off brand websites. These are the websites where you can find valuable and unbiased information on off brand stuff.


Social media can be toxic. There is so much noise and junk online. I miss the internet of the 1990’s. I miss the forums and boards where you could find real information from real people. The commercialization of the internet and social media has made this a thing of the past. Reddit still has a little bit of this “original” internet feel to it. Yes, there are advertisements. And yes, it is extremely moderated. But it is still a great a source of information for unfiltered information on niche topics. The Off Brand Guy team has learned a lot through Reddit threads. We have also discovered the off brand topics our readers care about most.


Pinterest is not my first source for off brand product information. But it can be helpful. There is a legitimizing force to images. It shows that the content creator has actually tried the product in question. It is a lot of work for someone to buy a product, take a picture of it, upload it to a website, and then upload it to Pinterest. If they go through all of this they probably have a reasonable opinion to share. Also, Pinterest is a good way to figure out how to cook and make recipes with off brand food.

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Amazon Reviews

Many people do not trust Amazon reviews. I agree that there is probably a bunch of manipulation. Amazon sellers know that reviews are extremely important. So they focus in on and emphasize positive reviews at all costs for certain niche products. In some ways this is not a bad incentive. It makes sellers offer favorable customer servicer. That want every buyer to be happy. They do not want their business destroyed be a vocal negative customer review. Overall, I think there is value to be found in Amazon reviews. Many of the off brand product reviews are quite thorough. My favorite part is the images. Users will upload photos of when things break and when things work properly. Images have always been important to the Off Brand Guy team. Again, it adds a level of legitimacy. It shows that the person writing the review actually tested the product.

Niche Blogs

I miss the days of when niche blogs were cool. Most blogs have been swallowed up and become conglomerates of bigger entities. This is a bad thing. All the content becomes generic and focused only on monetization. Have you looked at the Lifehacker website recently? I use to love this site back in the day. Now it is pretty much worthless. If you go up to the top of their home page you will see that a parent company owns a bunch of websites including Gizmodo, The Onion, and Jezebel. They use the same website style and everything.

It is still possible to find off brand information on niche blogs. There are actually some pretty cool Trader Joe’s and Costco blogs. One of my favorites is Trader Joe’s 365. Also, make sure to check out Costco Insider. On niche blogs people follow the new product introductions and alert readers to best current deals. These are the types of off brand websites our team reads.

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Walmart Reviews

Walmart is hit or miss for reviews. The Walmart website definitely has a less active review system than Amazon. Plus, it is almost guaranteed to be biased. Most people that are on the Walmart website shop at Walmart and buy their off brand products. So they are likely to says good things. But for popular products there is a good amount of input. You can get some insight in what other users are thinking.


This one may come as a surprise. But YouTube is actually one of the best off brand websites. There is some very authentic off brand food reviews on YouTube. I am not talking about the popular stuff with millions of views. There are some regular people that post videos sharing their experience with Kroger and Great Value products. They like saving money and they try to share this insight with others. I skip the highly viewed content that is only focused on making money and try to identify the less popular honest product reviews.

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