Best Dollar Tree Finds – Dollar Tree Review
In terms of off brand products, the Dollar Tree holds a special place in our heart here at Off Brand Guy. While there is a lot junk littered throughout these stores, there are also some gems. We have done a comprehensive search of the web to find the best reviews of the products that make sense to purchase at Dollar Tree or a similar dollar store. If you know the products to look for you can get in and out, spending your money most efficiently. Read on to see the best dollar tree finds.
Best Selling Dollar Store Items
1) Body Wash At Dollar Tree

Our friends at FrugalForLess give a detailed breakdown of the body wash options at Dollar Tree. This is one item that is way overpriced at the supermarket. The name brands like Oldspice charge upwards of $6 for a bottle. Trust me, you are paying for those clever commercials more than anything else.
The one variety that pops out to me is the White Rain Ocean Mist Body Wash. I have fond memories of finding bottles and bottles of this at our family beach cabin growing up. And it does the job. In my opinion, it tops the list of best dollar tree finds. It is a simple, mellow fragrance that fits right in with a beach vibe.
2) Best Dollar Tree Makeup Finds

I have always been wary towards Dollar Tree cosmetic products. This started when I was a young boy and tried to buy Dollar Tree teeth whitening. My dad said absolutely not, which I now understand as good advice. But there is some makeup finds that are worthwhile to consider. Check out the article Cheap Makeup That Doesn’t Suck: 7 Dollar Tree Makeup Beauty Buys at the website I’m Busy Shopping.
Dollar Tree carries Elf brand cosmetics, which are also sold at larger retailers such as Target and Walmart. Elf is a quality bargain brand and offers shadows, liner, nail polish and more. For just a buck, why not sample their products and colors? I love their lip glosses and eyeliners.
I’m Busy Shopping
3) Dollar Tree Hand Sanitizer

Okay, I am going to toot my my own horn here. Off Brand Guy came swinging out of the gate covering dollar tree hand sanitizer. For a detailed review check out my article Assured Hand Sanitizer Review Versus The Name Brand. In terms of the active ingredients the dollar tree product is pretty much identical to the name brand. Go save some money! This product is a staple in the current COVID era.
4) Dollar Tree Cleaning Supplies

Cleaning supplies, when you need it you need it. One thing is for sure, the overall cost can add up. These days environmentally friendly cleaning supplies is all the rage. And you know what, these are typically even more expensive. Fortunately, Simple Made Pretty has compiled a list of the 45 Best Cleaning Supplies From Dollar Tree.
I liked that empty spray bottles made the list. These are great to pick up for only $1. This is the type of item you would usually over pay for at a hardware store. Also, paper towels made the list. While, I haven’t done a detailed analysis on my own, I would predict that buying these at Dollar Tree is not the best deal.
5) Dollar Tree Reading Glasses

You could buy several pairs of cheap reading glasses from the dollar store, and not concern yourself with the costs”
Yoga Woman At Rebel Retirement
As people age the ability to focus close up becomes a problem. Age-related farsightedness is referred to as presbyopia. Experts indicate that no harm comes from using cheap Dollar Tree reading glasses to help with magnification. The best part is with these only being $1 you can buy a bunch of pairs and leave them laying around the house. Check out the detailed analysis by Rebel Retirement to learn more.
6) Dollar Tree Hangers

I find this one kind of goofy. But to be fair, you can never have enough clothes hangers around. Pick up a 7 pack in white or black for only $1.
Quick Tip: You may think it makes sense to also pick up a lint roller while at the Dollar Tree. But I would recommend again this. The Dollar Store variety is small and cheaply made. I recommend getting a large pack of the name brand lint rollers on Amazon.
7) Wrapping Paper Dollar Tree

Wrapping paper is a common dollar store grab. Because it is so dang expensive everywhere else. With an item like this you really need to get analytical to see if there are any savings. Not so much in terms of the quality, but in terms of the quantity. Sometimes for items like this, the Dollar Tree significantly reduces the quantity to make it a dollar. You need to make sure the math works.
Digging deep on Reddit, folks report that while the rolls aren’t as long as other stores, it still works out to be a great deal. A quick search on the Dollar Tree website shows the rolls to be 17.25 to 20 square feet. This compares to a 67 square foot jumbo roll at Walmart for $5.99. So even if you have to buy a few rolls, you still come out ahead.
If you want to get creative and optimize you use of dollar tree wrapping paper, check out the excellent guide from The Latina Next Door.
8) Dollar Tree Hair Products

Okay, so this one isn’t really in the Off Brand Guy’s wheelhouse. But according to Thrifty Frugal Mom the Dollar Tree is a great place for “Headbands, clips, and ponytail holders”.
On the Frugal subreddit, some folks recommended getting Suave Shampoo at Dollar Tree. I decided to look into this further. The Dollar Tree websites indicates that a 15oz bottle of the product is available for the $1. On the other hand, you can get a 3 pack of 30oz bottles at Walmart for around $5.82. Which is better deal?
As usual we break this down to the per ounce cost. At Dollar Tree Suave Shampoo is $0.067 centers per ounce. At Walmart, this breaks down to $0.065 centers per ounce. Considering you can buy it $1 increments at Dollar Tree, this comes out to being a pretty good deal.
9) Dollar Tree Perfume & Dollar Tree Cologne

Okay, I am going to be a bit more humble here. While I have written before about Dollar Tree Cologne, I am going to call out someone else. I like other bloggers that focus on off brand and store brand products!
The folks at Dollartreehaul give a broad overview of the EAD fragrances available at Dollar Tree. I thought the review was transparent. Highlighting that these fragrances are “dupes” and that the smells can come across as a little strong. The upside is you can spray them liberally and not worry about it.
10) Dollar Tree Sunscreen

Dollar Tree sunscreen is a bit controversial. CBS news indicates it an item to avoid at the Dollar Store. The active ingredients SPF tends to degrade over time. So no matter where it is purchased, it is important to check the expiration date.
Also, some folks worry about the SPF measurement getting mislabeled. On the other hand, our friends at Hip2Save says it is a great deal. As sometimes the small bottles of the name brand stuff are available seasonally for only $1. In general, just be vigilant with this item and know exactly what you are purchasing.
11) Dollar Tree Food Products

Pasta and spices. Yes, those are the items that top the food list of best Dollar Tree finds. As I learned from the blog, But First, Coffee, $1 is a pretty good deal for name brand pasta. If you know me, you know I am all about off brand pasta. But if you want to go the name brand route you might as well save some money.
Other frugal bloggers have done the research and confirmed the price per ounce is a decent deal for Dollar Tree spices. The tradeoff is in the quality, which is no surprise. But do avoid the unhealthy seasonings that are located in the same aisle.
In general, the best deals for Dollar Tree food is the name brand products. Because everything is $1 you will want to gravitate to the food products you can trust. As the Off Brand Guy, I can’t believe I just wrote that sentence.
12) Small Squeeze Bottles Dollar Tree & Travel Bottles Dollar Tree

My favorite thing about the Off Brand Guy blog is picking up on the random items that are surprisingly overpriced. It is usually little items that folks may throw in the cart without even thinking about it. One item that falls into this category is small squeeze travel bottles. You know, the type of bottles you put soap, shampoo, contact solution, etc. in when you travel. Why are these so fricking expensive?
I was prepping for a trip to Mexico recently and I was trying to find a travel bottle to put sunscreen in. I HATE how expensive quality sunscreen can be. I was at Walmart and ended up paying around $4 for a multi pack of travel bottles. Trust me, I was not happy about it.
If you are interested in other travel necessities that can be scored from Dollar Tree, check out the Aviation Queen’s Top 10 Travel Necessities You Can Buy At The Dollar Tree.
13) Paper Plates Dollar Tree

I LOVE the niche seasonal items that Dollar Tree offers. This holds true for birthday and party items as well. These types of products are always overpriced at the local grocery stores. And when you need them, it seems you never have time to shop around.
In the article THE TOP 10 DOLLAR STORE BUYS (AND WHAT NOT TO TRY!) at the How Does She blog, paper plates are listed under the party supplies category. I couldn’t agree more with this recommendation. If you are looking for those perfect Halloween plates or are just trying to find something that will work with birthday parties, this is your place.
14) Dollar Tree Chapstick

Anyone that knows me, knows I am all about 3 packs of Carmex. I go with the squeezable containers as I have no interest in applying it by hand. I’ve tried many other products for chapped lips. In the end the simplicity and effectiveness of Carmex comes out on top. I get my Carmex at Walmart for about $2.75 for a 3 pack. Scouring the internet I’ve heard good things about Chapstick at the Dollar Tree, and decided to investigative.
It turns out that Carmex is available at the Dollar Tree for $1 of course. This is an okay deal. It makes more sense to purchase at Walmart, but if the Dollar Tree is convenient the price is reasonable.
The real excitement around the Dollar Tree Lip Balm is in the many other products available. In the video below, PurpleStars02 takes a trip to the local Dollar Tree and purchases every lip balm product!
15) Dollar Tree Tape Measure

At one dollar, you can buy approximately 12 of these for the price of one equivalent name-brand Stanley tape measure. It is the cheapest tape measure that has ever existed”
16) Dollar Tree Bar Soap

Bar soap is a staple in any household. But I am going a different direction here. Dollar Tree bar soap is NOT one of the Dollar Store best finds.
According to One Good Thing there is no need to get bar soap at the Dollar Tree because you can get it for less on sale at the grocery store. The website Clark does the math and this holds up. The price per ounce is not that great.
If you want a great deal on bar soap check out the 12 pack of Irish Spring at Walmart, which breaks down to about $0.50 per bar.
17) Dollar Tree Storage Containers

This is one of my favorites. I love being organized, and I love buying bins to accomplish this. Some tell me that I am the most organized person they know. I have all my files organized by topic and year, and perfectly labeled. This includes my receipts as well. As staying organized with receipts is a great way to save money in the long run. So I was thrilled to see this item on the Consumerist’s 15 Things You Should Really Buy At The Dollar Store Article as on of the best dollar tree finds.
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